b'A powerful way to begin healing is to take back controlof some of our money.Our money. Our Own Money. The opposite of Other Peoples Money, as Wall Streeters call your and my money once it is in their hands. Heres how Other Peoples Money, an Off-Broadway hit in the 1980s and later a movie, evoked the choice between profit and purpose: JORGENSON [the CEO]: I want you to see him in all his glory. Larry the Liquidatorthe entrepreneur in post-industrial Americaplaying God with other peoples money. At least the robber barons of old left something tangible in their wake. A coal mine. A railroad. Banks. This man leaves nothing. He creates nothing. He builds nothing. In his wake lies nothing but a blizzard of paper to cover the pain. . .Hes saying, Im going to kill you because at this particular moment in time youre worth more dead than alive . .And if we have come to the point in this country where we kill something because at the moment its worth more dead than alive, then turn around and take a good look at your neighbor. You wont kill him because its called murder and its illegal. This, too, is murder, on a mass scale, only on Wall Street they call it maximizing shareholder value and they call it legal and they substitute dollar bills where conscience should be. . .GARFINKLE [the raider]: Say Amen, someone please!. . .Cause thats what you just hearda prayer. . .You just heard the prayer for the dead. . .WhatYou dont think this company is dead? . . .This company is dead. Dont blame me. I didnt kill it. It was dead when I got here. It is too late for prayers, for even if the prayers were answered and a miracle occurred and the yen did this and dollar did that 19'