Many initiatives have arisen in recent years under the banner of impact investing, seeking to reconcile maximizing shareholder value with the imperatives of social justice and environmental stewardship. Much effort has gone into the development of metrics, reporting schemes and third-party certifications. Yet, money keeps going faster and faster, financial institutions keep getting bigger and bigger, wealth inequality keeps widening, the planet keeps heating up, and global markets keep taking precedence over pretty much everything.
The impact of diversified portfolios of distant investments is difficult to track and open to interpretation. “Risk adjusted” is subjective. “Low interest” is indefinite and relative. 0% is clear, simple and unequivocal. It values people and place over the arithmetic of extraction.
On a more practical level, small organic farms and local food businesses are not very profitable, even when successful. Their access to loans and grants from institutional sources is limited and piecemeal and not tied directly to the building of community.
A whole book could be written about the ethos behind 0% loans and Beetcoin. Oh, wait. . .one was. AHA!: Fake Trillions, Real Billions, Beetcoin and the Great American Do-Over, by Slow Money founder Woody Tasch.