b'It has been wonderful to see the community coming together like this. Everyone is so happy to get their milk from a local dairy again, to know where their food comes from. No one wants to see us dumping milk, the Browns observe. The farm has been in Bens family since the 1700s.Whoa Nellie! Whoa, supply chains! Whoa, pendulum of industrializa-tion! Whoa, relocalization! Whoa. . .Will we rush back to business as usual when the pandemic is over?! To this mix, lets add the experience of the slow money movement over the last decade, in which I have been immersed and of which this notebook is a very personal reflection and extrapolation. Here, there is much that is suggestive of the possibility of systemic change. Suggestive.A quantitative summation of this little movement shows the $75 million into 750-plus farms and food enterprises via a dozen or so local groups since 2010, as alluded to previously in these pages. But the how is just as important as the how much. This money has changed hands in an informal way, with the phrase the CSA of investing doing it justice. It is worth pausing on that phrase for a moment and appreciating just 147'