b'IIMYTHGreetings from the Demilitarized Zone between Making a Killing and Making a Living.Greetings from the place where Sword meets Plow.It appears on no map, but what happens here affects every household, every neighborhood, every town, every school lunch, every acre, every aquifer, every river, every tidal estuary, every local economy, every foodshed, every Guerilla Cafe, every Lucky Penny Farm, every Butter-works Farm, every Organic Valley, every free-range chicken in every pot, every confined hog, every earthworm, every actinomycete, 1every living thing. This is where we lost ourselvesthe place that appears on no map. We wanted to leave behind the Old World of inequality, incivility and ecological decline, but our prospects were uncertain. We wanted to head away from fake and toward real. We wanted less carbon in the atmosphere and more fertility in the soil. We wanted to restore commu-nity and revitalize Main Street. Yet, we had the nagging suspicion, more 1 Actinomycetes are filamentous bacteria that live in the soil.49'