b'Healing pulses of capital and peaceable mobilizations of people. In the abstract, that sounds like an awfully idealistic aspiration. On the ground, we already have an examplecommunity supported agriculture. Its easy to dismiss community supported agriculture as a luxury, affordable to only a few. Examine the spirit behind CSAs, however, and you get a glimpse of what structural economic rebalancing looks like. You buy and sell stock; you belong to a CSA. Buying and selling stock is done anonymously; CSAs are a community activity. You monitor stock price remotely; you carry CSA yield home every week in a bag. Securities are intermediated to the nth degree; CSAs are direct and simple. Owning stock hitches your financial wagon to the gyrations of global financial markets; CSAs plant your feet firmly on the ground. Securities lead to the magical thinking that personal financial risk can be reduced without increasing systemic financial risk; CSAs lead to the magical thinking that were all in this together is more than a slogan.Depends on which kind of magical thinking you want to believe in.Healing pulses of capital and peaceable mobilizations of people. Magical thinking is nothing to joke about these days, when we are having so much trouble deciding whats real and whats fake. Is there nothing magical about a bunch of organic beets? Nothing magical about the good will of pickup day at 63rd St. Farm? Nothing magical about the Invisible Hand? About the Dow Jones Industrial Averages trajectory from 150 in 1945 to almost 30,000 in 2020? About seeking security through the creation of nuclear stockpiles?160'