b'This is nurture capital. The opposite of packaged, abstract, institutional investing. Putting a whole different spin on the meaning of security. Promoting multiple kinds of it, security, that is, and beautifully, too:Resilience. When the next disruption comes, we want communities to be less dependent on global supply chains.Localization. Local food systems are fundamental to broader efforts to revitalize local economies. Climate. Organic farming takes carbon from the atmo-sphere and sequesters it in the soil.Biodiversity. Trillions and billions and millions of microorganisms and soil critters live in each acre of fertile soil. Trust. In the face of infodemic and unrest, its awfully good to come back down to earth, together, in the most healing, peaceable and trustworthy of ways. Who knew that organic beets could be so good for truth decay? Or that, as an antidote to the poison of plantation capitalism, the Kool-Aid of populism, and the industrial-strength razzmatazz of Wall Street and Silicon Valley, nurture capital could be such tonic for what ails us? Ten thousand years ago, agriculture set us on the path towards urban-ization, industrialization and the geopolitics of nation states.205'