b'I was first had by AHA! while writing SOIL: Notes Towards the Theory and Practice of Nurture Capital: Can we see beyond multisyllabic economic and agricultural and technical jargon: sustainable, restorative, agro-ecological, bio- dynamic, regenerative. . .Isnt it just healthy that were after? As in, a healthy economy? As in, Agriculture for a Healthy America? Or is it Americans for Healthy Agriculture? AHA. AHA! 5It was a playful moment, but it stuck with me and, over time, triggered a more serious realization. What had been driving me and many others forward for the past decade, as participants in the slow money movement, wasnt any one opportunity to support a farmer or any one rousing presentation about the promise of healthy soil, although there have been many of each, but, rather, a string of AHA! moments that are tied together by a few much larger realizations and intimations.Since 2009, in public conversations and private, in slow money meet-ings national and local, but mostly local, weve been getting glimpses of something startling.5 SOIL: Notes Towards the Theory and Practice of Nurture Capital, by this author (Slow Money Institute, 2017)p. 29. That books sub-sub-title is: Of Earthworms, Billionaires, AHA! Moments, Mythic Implications and the Considerable Virtues of Bringing Our Money Back Down to Earth (Not All of It, of Course, but Enough to Matter).26'