b'so ubiquitous. In which America did not prove so exceptionally inept in dealing with the struggle between fakery and wakery.In which we would not get to the moon only to discover one of the hardest truths of allthat 50 years hence, tens of millions of Americans would think the moon landing was a hoax. The inspiration of JFKs moonshot was imbued with an overarching common purpose, not just for America as a nation but for America as a member of the planetary community: To go to the moon would be the next logical step in the grand progression of the Enlightenment, Mark Jacobson wrote last year on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, the completion of a cycle of human art and science that began with Copernicus, Kepler, Descartes, and Newtonwho published his Philosphiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687a glorious forward march from the clerical dark ages that included the founding of the American republic itself. Kennedys modernizing masterstroke was the challenge to complete the great task by the end of this decade. 2We accomplished that great task. Fifty years later, we cannot even agree on the meaning of the word great. No matter how much we protest our greatness, we cannot escape the gravity of history and ecology. 2 https://slate.com/technology/2019/07/moon-landing-fake-american-conspiracy-why.html197'