b'Flora farm is tending with such humility and gumption. There is nothing quixotic in the artistry and entrepreneurship of making a living by growing food for the local market. There is also nothing quixotic in the idea that the pendulum of industrialization that swung through farming in the 20th century cant, wont, doesnt need to swing back, partially, but to good effect, in the 21st century, bringing with it a whole new generation of farmer artist pioneer homecomers and the good they will do for communities, bioregions and future generations.Quixotic is the notion that health can be delivered to our doorstep by drone, in the form of certified industrial organic food from afar. Quixotic is the notion that progress is a straight line leading from Earth to Mars, via a degraded environment. Quixotic is the notion that command-and-control renders decentraliza-tion and diversity obsolete.Quixotic is the notion that a people who consume much but produce little can ultimately be happy. 45'