b'Was it Ozymandias who said: Thats enough about Berkshire Hathaway! Lets eat! White Oak Pastures sausage! Black Cat roasted beets! Valley Flora greens!? 27Welcome to the place where the Great Fiduciary in the Sky breaks bread with Mother Earth.Welcome to the place where Rogue Algorithm sits down with Symbiosis.This is the place where It Was the Best of Times got up the nerve to ask It Was the Worst of Times on a date. And, yes, for you fans of irrational exuberance, fiscal frolic and regularly scheduled tests of the Emergency Broadcast System, this is the place where Maya Angelous great-grandmother once perused a copy of Johnny Appleseeds On the Earthworm School of Nurture Capital and Peaceable Finance. 27 Ozymandias is one of Percy Bysshe Shelleys most famous poems, evoking the ruins of a once-mighty rulers statue laying in the desert. In his 1821 essay A Defence of Poetry, Shelley describes how poets draw into a certain propinquity with the beautiful and the true and deal with the double face of false and true. White Oak Pastures is in Bluffton, Georgia; Black Cat Farm-Table-Bistro is in Boulder, Colorado; Valley Flora Farm is in Langlois, Oregon. 76'