b'The smiles of Buy Low/Sell High are deadly serious. These were not those.The distance between such smiles and the greatest AHA! of all time is not all that great.If John Bogle were still with us, Id ask him what he meant by peace-able investing. Its a word also used frequently by Wendell Berry: An economy based on waste is inherently and hopelessly violent, and war is its inevitable by-product. We need a peaceable economy. To have a peaceable economy, we need peaceable people. I dont see how people can be peaceable, in the most fundamental and enduring sense, if they are living in a state of existential fear, tethered to Consumer Confidence and distant supply chains and layers of financial intermediation over which they have no control. Bogles impulse in creating index funds was very much a step in the right direction, making investing simpler, reducing the role of inter-mediaries, and discouraging short-term trading and the frenzy that arises therefrom. Buying the market and leaving your money parked long-term, giving less money to the croupiers (Bogles term), is a reasonable response to the excesses of Wall Street. But it doesnt get us to Main Street. It doesnt get us to the soil. And it certainly doesnt get us all the way to Homo philios.39'