b'In recent months, spurred by the pandemic, calls have been mounting, from both inside and outside the halls of power, for structural economic reform. Many of these calls assume that the change we need can be achieved at sufficient speed and scale only from the top down. AHA! suggests otherwise. Not otherwise as in instead of, but otherwise as in additional pathways towards the ultimate destinations of health, prosperity and peace. Otherwise as in: In addition to moonshots, we need earthshots.If there ever were a time to muse about the politics of change, about where weve been and where were going, this is it. If there ever were a season to reflect on the power of individual action, this is it. If there ever were a moment to wrestle with Us vs. Them, the death of trust, and the future of the American Dream, this is it. November 2020. And if there ever were an occasion to allow yourself to imagine a Great American Do-Over, this is it. A do-over in which there were no assassinations. In which no Warren Commission ever paved the way so effectively for generations of conspiracy theorists. In which the metric megaton was never needed. In which no Dow Jones Industrial Average ever ceded its authority so happily to Robber Baron and Rogue Algorithm, nor hitched its wagon with such relish to fossil fuels, nor rewarded so handsomely profiteering from all manner of waste made from all manner of haste. In which the self-evident truths of democracy had never been fouled by the self-evident lies of slavery and Native American removal. In which vast portions of the land never became known as Flyover Country. In which we never paved over quite so many paradises and put up quite so many parking lots. In which junk food never became so junky nor ads for pharmaceuticals 196'